Musculoskeletal System – Overview & Associations
The skeleton serves three major functions:
- Shape & support
The skeleton provides the framework which supports the body and maintains its shape. - Movement
The joints between bones allow movement, some allowing a wider range of movement than others. - Protection
The skeleton and it´s muscular and fibrous components protect many vital organs.
Musculoskeletal Issues – What are you holding Back?
Panel discussion on the META-Health Conference in Mumbai 2017 with Dr Kwesi Anan Odum, Gita Jayakumar, Kavita Freedom & Dr Anton Bader about the emotional background of diseases affecting posture and movement:
Typical emotional associations can be:
Of course, the individual background and side factors must be taken into account.
This is by no means a medical advice.
Decoding Myo-Fascial Trigger Points
by Gita Jayakumar
A short while ago, I discovered that I had a swelling on the inner side of my left knee. I tried a lot of things, but nothing worked, and it just didn’t budge. I went to my physiotherapist, who suggested that he and I could work on my trigger points to help bring it down. As he worked on my relevant trigger points, I began to see that when he moved from one trigger point to another, there were many UDINs that came up. I kept clearing them, and eventually, my swelling went away. This inspired me to delve deeper into the blend of Trigger Points and META Health for my thesis.
Trigger points […] refer to “hyper irritable spots in the skeletal muscle that is associated with a hypersensitive palpable nodule in a taut band.” In common parlance, they are considered to be knots in the body, and are exceptionally vulnerable to being irritable…
Journey into Consciousness
Abuna Semai is an introspective researcher and teacher of consciousness. On 8. Intl META-Health Conference in Mumbai, 2017, he gives this short and deep meditation to follow along:
Why pain can be a gift
by Jo Trewartha
As a META-Health coach I frequently see clients who have muscular-skeletal pain. Most of us have direct experience of physical pain, and whilst it can create absolute agony, in this article my intention is to share with you a wider understanding of why it might be there, and explain how your pain may actually be serving you. To do this I’ll be using the example of pain in the lumbar region of the spine which is in the lower back.
As someone diagnosed with arthritis I experienced over a decade of constant pain as a young woman. It was no picnic, I ached twenty four hours a day, and often I went through flares so bad all I could do was rest. Over the years I found solutions and count my blessings that most of my days are now pain free…
Frozen Shoulder Syndrome in META-Health
by Lisbeth Lundgaard
The title of this article make you focus on the shoulder. Initially, I would like you to focus on the word syndrome. Every time we see the word syndrome, it is important to be aware that more factors are at play.
The main focus in medical literature, when it comes to “Frozen Shoulder Syndrome”, is a contraction of the fibrous capsule surrounding the shoulder joint and it is described as something that takes a long time to get over.
The movement of the shoulder is very complex…
Investigating Scoliosis
by Deborah Wiggins-Hay
Fundamentally the skeletal system provides us with structure and stability. It is our support mechanism and also does the job of protecting our more vulnerable softer tissues and organs.
It works in cohesion with the muscular system to assist movement. Motion and progression forwards, through movement of the whole biological system, or through moving aspects of the external environment, either towards us, or farther away from us, are all aspects of motion that the muscular and skeletal system are intricately involved in.
As a mind-body detective, it is our job to decipher the messages of the body, and to understand the deeper meaning in any dysfunction of the muscular-skeletal system, in relation to the impairment of the biological function and how that relates to our thinking, our beliefs and our deeper unconscious mind.
The power of EFT and META-Health in First Aid
by Mary-Jane Newman
On Friday afternoon (26th Jan 2018) I had the insightful and also unfortunate experience of partially dislocating my left patella.
I say insightful, because thankfully I was talking on the phone to Penny Croal at the time. As a result, Penny and I were able to work through this excruciating experience step-by-step over the course of about 45 minutes to get me to a space of normality again.
Some of you may be asking why I didn’t just go straight to the hospital? And a very valid question that is too, because dislocating a joint like that is pretty serious. However, and again unfortunately for me, this is not the first time this has happened. But, on the bright side, I knew what I had to do in order to relocate the patella again.
Accidents – without any meaning?
by Kora Klapp
Obviously, I’m a bit of an „accident-person“ myself, meaning that I lived through several of them – which mercifully all had a happy ending 🙂
So I feel quite competent in observing the onset and the outcome of unexpected physical trauma, and today I allow myself to look into the often-heard question: how does META-Health look upon accidents?
There are accidents with a prelude, meaning that they were preceded by a conflict program that made them possible in the first place. To these belong most tendon- and ligament ruptures. As these structures are very strong but also embedded, they are only prone to tear when they already are weakened…
Facilitating a Broken Toe to improve Dramatically!
by Gita Jayakumar
I am so happy to share this video. A dear friend and an important person in my life, Shanti, who works as the domestic help at my house, gave me the opportunity to work along with her to help her heal from a fracture. She came home very excited this morning and said she wanted to share this story. I am sharing this with her consent 🙂 She tells you exactly what happened and how energy healing helped her heal.
Do watch!
The traumatic connection
Shanti, my domestic help was at work when she got a call from her mother, who was at the police station after a quarrel with her neighbours. Shanti said that she was shivering all over, and felt that she could not rest until she met her mother.
A Life of Disability
by Avnita Suri
“You know you’ll live with this for the rest of your life. There will be nothing we can do”, the locum GP told me. I had already been seeing GPs, physiotherapists, etc… for years. I was pregnant with my first child and still getting back pain. His words shocked me and as I left the surgery, I was distraught. Even though I was in joyful expectation of having my baby, I couldn’t help but worry for myself. My life was over before my little one’s was about to begin.
Improve Posture and Performance with your Mind!
by Kora Klapp
Affections of the musculoskeletal system often don’t seem easy to deal with. They can include intense pain leading to progressive weakness and cutbacks in your life quality.
META-Health understanding of the components of the locomotor system, their specific functions and metaphorical meanings, and when to expect and control what sort of pain, shines a light on the thought patterns and emotions that make the difference whether to drown or to be relieved, and the secret of success!
Healing my Broken Spine
Kavita Freedom tells her amazing personal healing story and explains her method on the 8. Intl META-Health Conference in Mumbai, 2017
From “no good” to Life Positive!
Suma Varughese is editor of the well-known “Life Positive”-Magazine. On 8. Intl META-Health Conference in Mumbai, 2017, she shares her own personal and empowering story behind her mission:
How childhood trauma affects muscle function in old age
In the newly published study “Childhood adverse life events and skeletal muscle mitochondrial function” [1], researchers could show how adverse events in childhood affect muscle function in later life.
Using data from the “Muscle, Mobility and Aging” study, 879 people over the age of 70 were tested for ATP production in their muscle cells. ATP is the energy that muscles use to work. It is produced by the mitochondria in each cell. Mitochondria can sense social stress and respond at the cellular level: these bacterial-derived organelles are known to change their function and shape when cells are threatened by physical or social attacks, resulting in extracellular ATP and reactive oxygen species – so-called free radicals. This reduces the working energy of cells and promotes inflammation and tissue aging. [2] [3]