Endocrine System Overview
The endocrine (greek for “inner secretion”) or hormonal system belongs, like the nervous system, to the steering mechanism of the body. While the nervous system uses electrical impulses for transmission, thereby effecting fast but short-lived reactions in the organs, hormones are spread via blood- and lymph vessels and can biochemically effect long-termed changes…
The whole range of META-Health
For some, META-Health is a valuable diagnostic tool – for others a whole lifestyle.
By our E-magazine META-Healthy Life we want to show the whole range: you find personal stories beside scientific research, experiences from integrative therapy practice, useful tips and philosophical thoughts.
I am defining META-Health like this:
I am convinced that we have collected gold nuggets for every field of interest here – so enjoy META-Healthy Life!
Kwesi Anan Odum MD
CEO International META-Medicine Association
The Ropedancer and the Temptation
by Kora Klapp
To be in control suits our society – actually, the working system is built upon governance, rules, and control. Like with traffic: clear borders and signals ensure safety and shall create flow through good coordination. Without it, chaos can arise: horrendous accidents or angry stand-still with honking all around. It’s dangerous without control – the greater the energies behind contact surfaces, the more…
Sun-charged Water
Abuna Semai talks about how to get more energy!
Healing Lymphoma Naturally
by Chris Whalley
This is a live interview with a very brave lady client who reversed her Cancer (non hodgkins lymphoma) naturally without mainstream medicine.
Fluorescing Light and the Path to be Me
by Gaylene Hansen
Life is full of experiences which seem to arise to teach us, and they can lead us down a different path to the one we had intended.
For me, this occurred in the latter half of 2011 when I had what I name a “wake up call”. Occipital headaches and a congested “muzzy” head became constant and my blood pressure started to rise. These symptoms were compounded by a reaction to fluorescent lights which threatened my career as a nurse, something I deeply cherish and love.
How Simple Changes saved me from Anxiety
by Avnita Suri
Amongst the symptoms I’ve experienced in my life time, I’ve had anxiety. It was the kind that was mild – nothing serious and nothing was diagnosed, thankfully. If it had, I’m sure it would have taken me longer to get over it.
It all started when I was quite young really. In truth, I don’t remember life without worry. I had worries right from being a small child. It was like the right thing to do – Mum worried and I was her sidekick. That was what life was – hardship, worry, unfair, fear.
Personality sits in the Gut!
by Kora Klapp
Microorganisms are fascinating components in life on earth. Many functions that used to be attributed to bigger life forms or their organs, are actually performed by microorganisms that have adjusted to a specialized niche, and effectively have become part of that life form.
When we observe the water-cleansing properties of a natural or constructed wetland, the filtration happens in the root system of the plants, while the processing of the filtrated substances is done by the microbes attached to the fine roots, and supplying them with nutrients. We talk of symbiosis, but it really is an integrated part of the plant’s organism.
Fermentation – the Transformation into Superfood
by Kora Klapp
Fresh fruit and veggies are great! They provide stored sun energy, vitamins, they connect us with our ecosystem and make us happy. On fresh leaves, there are bacteria – yes they belong there! For example lactobacteria. And those can do wonders with our food, potentiate the vitamin content and conserve it at the same time, so that even in winter, we can eat “sunshine”.
New research supports holobiont concept
by Kora Klapp
The META-Health and Permaculture concept of symbiosis into creation of an organism on micro- as on macro-levels is now being supported by the conclusion of new scientific research.
Kiel University investigated how our microbiome development is controlled by the nervous system.
During the development of the nervous system of a hydra from egg stage to a fully-grown organism, it’s microbiome changes drastically in only 3 weeks, until it finally stabilizes in composition and local variations. From that, the researchers deduct original and universally valid principles of the nerve system’s functioning.
My Journey from Hypothyroidism to Euthyroidism
by Deborah Wiggins-Hay
In 1995, my first child was born in Brighton, England. I felt fabulous for the first 5-6 weeks
after her birth, and then my health took a dive and my life changed significantly.
I discovered a large lump growing in my throat – my initial fear was that I might have cancer. A fine needle aspiration and an isotope scan provided a diagnosis of autoimmune thyroiditis and a benign goitre.
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis – A New Path of Learning and Discovery
by Gaylene Hansen
Our life is an endless path of learning, an evolving journey of personal growth and development, a discovery of who we are, and the beliefs we hold. Each step provides the opportunity to look at what shapes us to be our individual unique self.
Mid April (2016), I visited a General Practitioner (GP), Naturopathic doctor, not because I was sick, but because I was curious to know how my health could be further improved.
De-coding and healing my hyperactive thyroid
by Thorsten Krüger
It was a sunny day in the end of march which became the starting point for one of the most important changes in my life. Although a cold wind was blowing outside I felt the sticky warmth of high summer inside my body, wearing only a t-shirt and bermuda shorts.
I was in my mid twenties. Some months ago I had started my practical training period as a pharmacist. After long years of theoretical studies I was finally in interaction with real people in a public pharmacy. It was a phase of high activity and seething energy.
Adrenals – what shows you the Way?
META-Health Doctors and Therapists discussed Adrenal issues during the International Conference 2017 in Mumbai:
Collective Consciousness for a Logical Mind
Pooja Bedi tells her personal story on the 8. International META-Health Conference in Mumbai.